Dawn Project- First Light, First Tea

Painting workshop with artist Jeannine Bardo

How to join:
Week of May 5-10, in the morning, look at the sky, and jot down a thorough description of what you see. Try to record at least three days. Make it detailed enough to help you remember the colors, shapes of clouds, light…Here is an example of a description of one of the artist’s early morning sky recordings: “Light blue with a few faint smudges of sparse grey clouds with a very bright 3/4 moon to the right.” Do not photograph this image. It is meant to be a an exercise in mindfulness, awareness and being present.

Join artist Jeannine Bardo at Spring Tea on May 11 to paint your observations/remembrances on 4×4 canvases.

The artist will stitch the works together and show them at our Odes to Common Things celebration in Stand4 Gallery on June 1-2 where you are all welcome to see the work come together.

Reflections from the artist:
Each day I try to record the colors and what I see as a way to jog my memory and make me present for a portion of my day. I orient myself with the sky and my garden. I look to the sky every morning I leave my house, but I realized even though I was aware and present and grateful for the beauty I see every day, I could never quite remember this moment. Perhaps I am not meant to. Perhaps to go on living we must keep our eyes open and in order to go on living with pleasure, hope and awe we must see enormous beauty as if for the first time, every time and be grateful for the continual gift nature presents to us over and over.

Join us for a series of special events with our friends Tea Arts and Culture

Stand4 Gallery will be joining Tea Arts and Culture for their annual Spring Tea at The Narrows Botanical Garden this coming Saturday, May 11th from 2:00-5:00 pm. Join us as we gather to appreciate what Spring offers with a free painting workshop, poetry writing workshop, music and tea offerings throughout the day.
Register HERE

Spring Tea Schedule
2:00 pm – Dawn Project- First Light, First Tea art making with Jeannine Bardo
Email the artist at jbardo.stand@gmail.com to reserve your spot at the event.
2:00 pm – Odes to Common Things Poetry Writing with Robin Lampman
4:00 pm – Music
4:30 pm – Poetry Sharing
Tea will be prepared by our community friends and enjoyed throughout the whole event. The Narrows Botanical Garden is located at Shore Road between Bay Ridge Avenue and 72nd Street.

The paintings and poetry will be included in the pop-up exhibition Odes to Common Things at Stand4 Gallery, which will take place on June 1st and 2nd.

About Robin Lampman:
Robin Lampman is a published poet and an educator with 35 years of experience teaching in universities, high schools, and elementary schools. She produced a volume of poetry by eighth graders in East Harlem which was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and published by the Big Read. She is Editor in Chief of Unspoken Word, an online international literary magazine, and she is Director of Poetry and Tea for Tea Arts and Culture.