Artifacts of Place
November 8 – December 15, 2019

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, November 8, 7-9 PM

Featuring the works of Joyce Dallal, Dalia Baassiri, Mary Tuma, Daiffa Dessine, Arghavan Khosravi, Reem Bassous, Armita Raafat, Helen Zughaib, and Ekram Alrowmeim.
Curated by Isabelle Garbani

What is place? What is nationality? Why do we define our identity with the country where we happen to be born? Why does a culture which we accidentally inherit, with its arbitrary sets of conventions and etiquette, become such an important part of who we are, to the point of drawing impenetrable borders, keeping “the others” away?

This exhibit looks at how artists celebrate, evaluate, and use their cultural heritage in their visual language, and examines how place and experience can shape cultural identity.

Women artists from the Middle East, North Africa, and the US were selected not only because their work deals with cultural issues, but also because of where they currently live: some live and work in the Middle East, others are part of the diaspora, some are second generation children of immigrants, living in America.

This exhibit explores how perceptions of culture can change through immigration, and how that experience can influence artistic choices. More importantly, the show is a celebration of culture, differences, and the arbitrariness of it all.


Exhibition Programming & Events

Sunday, November 17, 1:00 – 6:00pm
Life: Immigration Game play session

Life Immigration Game takes the original Milton Bradley “Game of Life”, and replaces the game tiles with new pieces which are related and relevant to the life of an immigrant to the United States.
@ Stand4 Gallery / 414 78th Street, Brooklyn NY 11209

Thursday, November 21, 6:30 – 10:00pm
Free Screening of
Father K
Directed by Judd Ehrlich, Father K is a documentary film about Khader El Yateem’s campaign for local city council.
@ Stand4 Gallery / 414 78th Street, Brooklyn NY 11209

Friday, November 22, 6:30 – 10:00pm
Free Screening of Father K

Directed by Judd Ehrlich, Father K is a documentary film about Khader El Yateem’s campaign for local city council.
@ Stand4 Gallery / 414 78th Street, Brooklyn NY 11209

Sunday, November 24, 6:00 – 9:00pm
Free Screening of Father K
Directed by Judd Ehrlich, Father K is a
documentary film about Khader El Yateem’s campaign for local city council.
@ An-Noor Social Center / 7114 5th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11209

Thursday, December 5, 6:30 – 9:00pm
Artist Talk with Reem Bassous
“Maps to Nowhere: Navigating the Middle East”
@ Stand4 Gallery
414 78th Street, Brooklyn NY 11209

November 8 – December 15, 2019
Recipe Exchange

Sunday, December 15, 1:00 – 6:30pm
Pot luck
Everyone who participated in the recipe exchange (and even if you didn’t!) will come together to share food, and get to know one another.
@ Stand4 Gallery*
414 78th Street, Brooklyn NY 11209
*Please note that this is the new location!



Brooklyn Reporter: New exhibit in Bay Ridge explores culture and immigration through art
By John Alexander

Art Spiel: Place and Cultural Heritage at Stand4 Gallery
By Etty Yaniv • November 22, 2019

Hey Ridge: In Bay Ridge, Artists Explore the Immigrant Experience
By David Farley • December 4, 2019